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  • fxholden

The next major Middle East war ...

In the Future War series I speculate about future geopolitical flashpoints, and explore how major conflicts might unfold. In BERING STRAIT it was the fast melting Arctic sea routes, in OKINAWA it was China's ambition to be the major power in the Pacific, in ORBITAL it was the battle to dominate the new domain of Space.

In KOBANI I speculated about what could happen if a Russian-backed Syria wanted to take back the territory it has ceded to Turkey in the north. But there is another territory it ceded long ago, and which it has openly admitted it plans to reclaim one day: The Golan Heights. In my upcoming novel GOLAN I will explore how such a conflict might unfold, if Russia, Syria and Iran unite behind it.

In Israel, they are already worried about, and planning for, such a threat:

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