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The next chapter in the Future War series is well underway and due for release northern summer 2021.

For fifty years, the US and Israel have fought through failed treaties, sanctions, covert action and overt assassinations to keep Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons. In 2030 they must deal with the reality of a nuclear armed Iran, as Syrian troops, backed by Russian air power and Iranian strategic missile forces, 'exercise' on the border of the 1974 UN mandated ceasefire line along the Golan Heights.

At the same time, the Russian Black Sea fleet, accompanied by Iranian submarines and missile destroyers, sails through the Bosporus Strait for a 'peace and fraternity' visit to the Syrian port of Tartus, north of Israel. If allowed to position themselves on the Israeli border or roam the Mediterranean Sea, Iran's new medium range strategic missile capabilities give it the ability to use nuclear weapons not just against Israel, but NATO and US bases throughout Europe and the Middle East.

With indications that the Iranian ships sailing with Russia's fleet are carrying nuclear weapons, US President Oliver Henderson announces a naval blockade in the Mediterranean Sea and the intention to stop and search any Iranian vessel, civilian or military, approaching within 200 miles of Israel. The US demands the immediate withdrawal of all Iranian strategic missile forces from the Red Sea, the Mediterranean and Syria.

As the diplomatic wrangling intensifies, Israel is subjected to the first known All Domain Attack in history: an assault on its viability as a State, starting with a massive cyber and space offensive by unknown actors which takes its command, control and intelligence infrastructure down, cripples civilian utility and cell phone networks, and knocks out its banks and stock exchange. Civil unrest is fomented, including in among the Syrian Druze communities of the Golan, which call for Syrian government 'peacekeepers' to intervene.

The stage is set for a geopolitical crisis of global dimensions, told as usual through the eyes of the men and women on the front lines, doing the fighting, and the dying.

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