
4. jan. 20212 min

Mil-tech: Remote controlled assassination

BBC 7 December 2020

A satellite-controlled machine-gun with "artificial intelligence" was used to kill Iran's top nuclear scientist, a Revolutionary Guards commander says.

Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was shot dead in a convoy outside Tehran on 27 November.

Brig-Gen Ali Fadavi told local media that the weapon, mounted in a pick-up truck, was able to fire at Fakhrizadeh without hitting his wife beside him. The claim could not be verified.

Iran has blamed Israel and an exiled opposition group for the attack.

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Israel has neither confirmed nor denied responsibility.

How was Fakhrizadeh killed?

The Iranian authorities have put out conflicting accounts of how the scientist was gunned down as he travelled in a car through the town of Absard.

On the day of the attack, the defence ministry said there was a gunfight between Fakhrizadeh's bodyguards and several gunmen.

One Iranian report quoted witnesses as saying that "three to four individuals, who are said to have been terrorists, were killed". A Nissan pick-up was also said to have exploded at the scene.

In a speech at Fakhrizadeh's funeral, the head of Iran's Supreme National Security Council said it was actually a remote attack, using "special methods" and "electronic equipment". But he provided no further details.

Gen Fadavi, the deputy commander of the Revolutionary Guards, told a ceremony in Tehran on Sunday that a machine-gun mounted on the Nissan pick-up was "equipped with an intelligent satellite system which zoomed in on martyr Fakhrizadeh" and "was using artificial intelligence".

image captionA remote-controlled machine-gun fired 13 bullets at Mohsen Fakhrizadeh's car, according to Brig-Gen Ali Fadavi

The machine-gun "focused only on martyr Fakhrizadeh's face in a way that his wife, despite being only 25cm [10 inches] away, was not shot", he said.

The general reiterated that no human assailants had been present at the scene, saying that "in total 13 bullets were fired and all of them were shot from the [weapon] in the Nissan". Four bullets struck Fakhrizadeh's head of security "as he threw himself" on the scientist, he added.

Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has vowed to avenge the assassination, demanding the "definitive punishment" of those behind it.
